What are the effects of depression

One of the most common mental health problems is depression. If depression is left untreated, it can cause some unpleasant effects that the individual might not even be aware of.

Therefore, identifying the effects of depression is quintessential to helping people treat and manage the basic symptoms better. Here are some of the effects of depression.  

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Altered sleep patterns

When you are depressed, you are likely not to have a stable sleeping pattern. This means that you can be struggling with insomnia for a long time, and all of a sudden, you begin to find ways to manage excessive sleeping.

The abrupt variation in your sleeping patterns is likely to hurt different aspects of your life, particularly your physical and mental health.

Loss of appetite/Excessive eating

Another effect of depression is the abnormal eating habits that come with it. When some people are depressed, they might experience a loss of appetite. They will not feel like eating anything including their most preferred meal.

You will discover that they only eat once in a while, and it might affect their physical appearance. On the other hand, some people suffer from excessive eating.

This means that some people eat a lot to the point where they gain excessive weight and become obese. Both loss of appetite and excessive eating cause nutritional imbalance in the body that can worsen your health.

Inability to concentrate

Depression makes it impossible for you to concentrate on important things that matter because you are overwhelmed with the grave and complicated feelings of sadness. This means that you are likely to be less productive in these areas because your mind is not there.

Abhorrence for social gatherings

Many depressed individuals loathe social gatherings because it makes no meaning to them at that point. Hence, they will prefer to keep to themselves and avoid any possibility that can make them hang out with other people.

If you notice some of the signs or effects of depression, it is important to seek help from a professional mental health therapist.

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